
 Click on album cover to preview and download songs or album.

click on album to preview and download songs or album

This is where we'll be selling musical in digital format.  We are going to be trying out a new type of DIGITAL SINGLE.  Much like the old 45 rpm vinyl back in the 50s and 60s, the new DIGITAL SINGLE will have the "hit song" or "A side", followed by additional music, or the "B side".  Our idea is that if you get, for example, 3 really great songs for $1, you'll feel like you got a good deal AND you'll be supporting an independent label and independent artist.  But enough about what we think, let's hear what you think!

Please tell us what would make you want to buy a "digital single".

Ideal length

The price is right if it's

I want more than just a digital file! Give me

A certain amount of "filler" (weaker music) is OK, as long as it's not more than:

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